Integrity. Lineage. Respect.

Decades of Inquiry & Application…

Earth Aligned Fitness proudly presents a practice that encompasses all eleven systems of the human body. Dynamic and breath-centric in approach, our unique curriculum is designed to awaken, balance, refine and inspire.

Navigate Our World Today with Ease & Grace…

We offer classical yoga and martial arts from a variety of schools and methods that have been integrated with consistent study over time.

Maintain Optimal Health & Vitality…

Build and balance your unique human system, movement is medicine for your mind and body. Learn to build a sequence that’s safe & sustainable for your daily routine.

Matt and Jenn Pynch travel the US with their breath & movement workshops. They are honored to partner with companies like BURTON LAS VEGAS, promoting sustainability and localism through community education.

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya was 50 when this film was made and is arguably the most influential yogi in establishing what yoga has become today. His students include Pattabhi Jois the founder of Asthanga yoga, BKS Iyengar, Indra Devi, and his son Desikachar. Most of todays leading yogis have studied under one or more of Krishnamacharya students. Krishnamacharya was born in 1888 in a remote Indian village and lived to be over 100 years old until his death in 1989. He is known as not only as a most influential yoga teacher, but a scholar, and a healer. Krishnamacharya was known to be able to voluntarily stop his visible heart beat/ pulse for over two minutes, probably by drastically reducing venous return to the heart. “The Yoga Sutras of Patanajali” are spoken in Sanskrit by Kausthub Desikachar.

Cheng Man Ching performs the 37 Movement Tai Chi form that he created. He was a student of the famous Tai Chi master Yang Cheng Fu.

To Our Teachers’ Teachers,

Our teachers are special people who guide us on a path until we’re ready to walk it on our own. To these brave and compassionate souls we owe so much love and gratitude. It is with great love & respect for the practices of yoga & martial arts, that we thank our very first teachers, for encouraging us to dig deeper…

Forever Grateful to Our Lineage

T. Krishnamacharya | T. K. V. Desikachar | B.K.S. Iyengar | Maty Ezraty | Annie Carpenter

To my very first yoga teacher, Pati Kearns, I am so GRATEFUL for you, NAMASTE!