First Step Martial Arts

Sustainable System®

Leaders in Movement & Fitness Since 2005

with Matthew Pynch

Matthew began studying Martial Arts at age seven when he enrolled in a Karate class.  Many styles and decades of inquiry and application contribute to his Sustainable System®.  Conscience breathing and free movement is the true self defense.  Every situation is unpredictable and ever changing.  Effective breath and movement define and defend the human system against attacks that are seen and unseen.  Sustainable System® classes are deeply rooted in principle and contain elements of Karate, Systema, Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi and Yoga.  By eliminating unnecessary physical tension students find freedom in all arenas of life.  The patience in me recognizes the patience in you. 

Breathing is the primary focus.  Very little muscle tension is encouraged to promote the strengthening of the tendons and ligaments.  The postures and shapes we explore are there to make us more aware of our tension, both in the mind and body, and prepare us to handle this unwanted tension in our daily lives.  We learn to breathe with our entire body, pushing our breath from head to toe.  We are all breath masters, we just need to remember to breathe.  
Mr. & Mrs. Pynch

“We always use our wisdom before we use our power.”

“Breathe and bend your knees!”


Sustainable System®

Effective breathing and movement principles defend our human systems against attacks that are seen and unseen.  Sustainable System's approach to martial arts is based on less tension more power.  Tension releasing breath work allows for minimal muscular reliance creating sustainable self defense using strong tendons and ligaments.  If you can breathe you can fight.  Structure and breath principles are reinforced with Karate kata and basics.  Students will learn to restore and regulate their systems with breath and movement during partner work and simple exercise.  Advanced students will be introduced to Tai Chi sequences for relaxation and energy cultivation.  

Osu!  (The patience in me recognizes the patience in you!)


Sustainable System® Tai Chi

Continuous conscience breathing and mindful movement is the foundation of this practice.  We regulate our human system with breath and movement.  The goal is to eliminate sub-conscience breath holds that deplete our system of energy.  Tai Chi sequences provide a variety of movement to captivate the mind as we develop a sustainable breath and movement practice applicable in all arenas of life.  This class will cover the 7 principles of conscience breathing and the 5 principles of Tai chi. Every situation is ever changing.  Strong principles allow us to adapt and over come all adversity.  Relax and strengthen tendons and ligaments as we cultivate energy with this breath centric martial arts practice.

Sword Of Harmony, Dino Breath, Beginning of Hatching Dinosaur

Blue Ninja Test 2019
First Step Martial Arts promotes their fourth black belt.
Third Peaceful Mind



Karate Rocks!

Earth Science | Sustainability | Fitness


Master your system, conquer yourself and find freedom from tension with a Sustainable System® practice.